Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Two party system fail.

The world we live in is in deep trouble and more importantly our country is in deep trouble. We can no longer trust our news sources and main stream media nor our political machine. Here are the facts:

1. Current debt is $16,787,451,118,147.

2. Our government can no longer be trusted not even within their own ranks.

3. Corruption is deep within the core of our government and that is business as usual.

4. Our government over complicate simple processes, as does Wall St. for the same purpose to which is called by any other than shell game.

5. Our government has pitted us against one another for so many years that we don't know the they are doing so. "Two party system".

6. Government has forced its way into our state and local government to alleviate us from control.

7. They have manipulated campaign finance rules to stack the deck against anyone who is not part of one of the two parties.

8. Trying to violate the second amendment.

9. The rest of the Constitution, I don't know where to begin.

America, here is some advice. Keep a very close watch of the rest of the world because they are watching us. They have been for a long time, seeing our American Dream. They no longer look at us with those eyes. They see us as a monster who sneaks around their beds while they sleep and kill with drones that they can't see. They are afraid of us. When you make enough people afraid you tend to back them into a corner and we all know what happens after that. Personally, I don't think they are afraid of the citizens of the U.S.A but of our government as they should be. The rules have been broken and the world sees. Want to know what they see:

1: Invasions of countries that probably shouldn't have been invaded.

2: Death of innocent civilians even if they were casualties of war.

3: Spying of its own people and not to mention who else.

4: Drone attacks that kill unmercifully and without conscience.

5: A leader of world finance who has mismanaged and manipulated the system to ruins.

6: A Corporate America only cares about profit margins and who force other nations to work in sweat shops in conditions we could not and would not tolerate.

They are watching us America and we better be careful of what we are doing or else they will be upon us. All great dynasties have fallen, except one. However, we are trapped, and that trap is our own doing. We have systematically removed ourselves from the democratic process and allowed lawyers, politicians, and corporate America take over for us. The trap is with the two party system in place they have changed our state laws in such a way as to manipulate the very essence of the Constitution only allowing one or the other party. Sure, this may not be in every state but we are still young. Campaign financing set up to only allow for the two party system or the rich to make a difference. The very system itself, (Electoral College) that your vote don't count. "Its too hard to count all of your votes". No, it was designed with a purpose. We have tried to put an independent into the White House and it has not happened because of what we have allowed the two party system to do which in essence is to take away our votes by manipulating the system and rigging campaign financing. I hope and pray its not to late.